
Bay of Islands Animal Rescue is a non-profit volunteer organization and runs purely on donations and fundraising.

Through the ongoing support of our wonderful sponsors we are able to really make a difference to animals in need. We wouldn’t be able to operate without the support of these amazing companies.

We simply can’t thank them enough for their contribution to the Bay of Islands Animal Rescue’s work.

They are literally saving lives every day!

How you can help

If your interested in becoming a Bay of Islands Animal Rescue sponsor or supporter please drop us a line using the form below. 



Thank you!

In addition to our major sponsors we would also like to extend our thanks to our other supporters:

BOI Watchdogs, Ruakaka Dog Rescue, Kaipara Kitty, Longacres Animal Haven, Whangarei Dempster, Horse & Mini Horse Rescue, Northland Animal Rescue Support Network and all the wonderful members of the public who have rehomed a animal or made a donation.

Contact Us

Need to find out more about sponsorships with us?

Bay of Islands Animal Rescue is a highly esteemed registered charitable trust (CC56296) in accordance with the provisions of the Charities Act 2005. We maintain a professional approach in all our endeavors to ensure the welfare and wellbeing of animals in need. Any amount you can afford, no matter how small, will help us rescue and care for unwanted pets across the Bay of Islands area. Even if you can only contribute $5 or $10, it can still go a long way toward helping!